When your bankruptcy attorney prepares your bankruptcy petition, she will have to complete Schedule F – Creditors Holding Unsecured Priority Claims (also known as Official Form 6F). Schedule F requires you to list all of your creditors who are holding unsecured nonpriority claims. Examples of unsecured nonpriority claims are credit cards, hospital bills, and other lines of credit for which the creditor did not require you to secure the loan with any of your property.
You must list the creditor’s name and address; whether there is a codebtor; whether the debt is yours, your spouse’s, or a joint debt (if you are filing a joint petition); date the claim was incurred; whether the debt is contingent, liquidated, or disputed; and the amount of the claim.
If you have any questions about how to fill out Schedule F, you should consult with a Colorado bankruptcy attorney.
[gview file=http://www.uscourts.gov/uscourts/RulesAndPolicies/rules/BK_Forms_1207/B_006F_1207f.pdf]